The Three Truths of Book Design

A blog post about a blog post? Believe it!

This is merely a quick note to let you know that I was a guest blogger with Smith Publicity, one of the world’s premier book marketing and PR firms. My piece, which you can read right here, talks about the importance of hiring the right book design resource for you, and breaks down three truths that must be understood about book design before you go about your search. I’d encourage you to go read the blog on Smith’s site (which again, can be found here!) but as a teaser, here are those three truths:

  1. Design is a process, not a product.

  2. Book design is a specialty.

  3. Beware of “options”.

The blog digs deeper into each assertion, so go read it!

I want to note that the piece is not a veiled sales tool, but rather rolls up into my greater goal of raising the standard of book design in the self-publishing community. I can’t partner with everyone (nor am I the perfect fit for every author) but hopefully these insights will help authors conduct a well-informed search for their book designer. Better collaborations mean better book designs, which means books that are more likely to reach the people who need them.


On Four Years